Shih-Fen Cheng: Current Research: Taxi Operations Optimization


Taxi is an important class of public transportation that provides convenience and flexibility levels close to that of car ownership. Unfortunately, taxi services are also very inefficient (50% idling time is quite common for a typical taxi fleet) since significant fraction of taxi services is delivered by roaming on the street. This inefficiency is most evident when large amount of demands suddenly emerge in a small area. Taxi service providers are usually slow in adjusting to this type of surge, and this results in unnecessary waiting on both driver-side and rider-side and greatly hurts operational efficiency.

In this project, we would address the issue of taxi service and demand mismatches in an urban environment. We will first develop the behavioral model for taxi drivers near the point of demand surge, and based on this model, we plan to propose practical mechanisms the could help to improve the quality of service (QoS) for the studied taxi fleet. All our studies will be based on the real-world data.

Current Topics
  • Develop technique for processing and analyzing noisy real-world data.
  • Modeling driver's queueing behaviors.
  • Propose and test mechanism that would improve taxi fleet efficiency.
Related Publication


Related Working Papers
  • Density clustering technique for noisy and low-resolution spatio-temporal data (with Dongchang Liu), working paper, 2011.



Last Modified: 2012-08-31